Launch Your Business

A 9-Week Group Coaching Course for Female Entrepreneurs

Upcoming Cohort Begins October 30, 2022

Launch Your Business

You’ve done it - you’ve delivered at a high level, throughout your career, in the service of someone else’s dream.

Now, it’s finally time. You’re ready to make the leap and bring your dream business to life, but… maybe you’re unsure where to start, don’t know what comes first, aren’t confident you know the right steps to follow to maximize your opportunity for success.

Or maybe you recently summoned the courage and made the meaningful transition from employee to entrepreneur. You’ve taken your idea and brought it into the real world, but now you’re stalled somewhere in the process.

I’ve created the Launch Your Business program specifically for you.

In this program you will learn how to:

✔️ Get out of your own way and trust yourself as an entrepreneur

✔️ Clarify your purpose, the work you do, and who you are meant to serve

✔️ Uncover your brand message and confidently communicate the unique value you provide

✔️ Identify viable revenue streams and package your offer(s)

✔️ Create an actionable plan to launch your business in an empowered, intentional, profitable way

Doors to the Launch Your Business program are opening again this October, and registration will be limited to 8 participants.

Let’s make this the year you turn your vision into your dream business.

Get Started